A secure home and a seat at the table for all London's social housing communities
We bring together social housing tenant organisations from across the capital to act on matters that affect our homes and communities.
Find out more about how we work
Tenant democracy at every level
Accountability at the grassroots is essential to successful decision-making at the regional and national levels. It is also essential to how London Tenants Federation works. Click on the icons to learn more.

A few neighbours come together to set up a Tenants and Residents Association (TRA), Housing Co-op or Tenant Management Organisation (TMO).
These are a great way to unite the community and amplify your voice when approaching decision-makers and landlords. They are also:

Local tenants organisations are stronger when they work together with others who share the same landlord (housing association or council). These groups provide strength in numbers and enable tenants reps to share knowledge and expertise.
There are more than a dozen borough-wide tenants groups across London, and some housing association groups. These include:

London Tenants Federation brings together borough- landlord- and neighbourhood-wide tenants organisations alongside London’s TMOs and social housing co-ops. Everything we do, whether at the regional or national level, is informed by evidence from the grassroots level. This includes:

We’ve recently successfully campaigned for the Mayor to set up the London Housing Panel to bring together community and voluntary sector groups from across the capital to inform the Greater London Assembly’s work around housing. Next stop: Westminster.
The Social Housing Green Paper floated the idea of a national representative body for tenants and there has since been much discussion about how to make this happen. Our Members believe that landlord-wide tenants federations, fed by a thriving network of local TRAs, TMOs and co-ops, could provide the strong foundations and grassroots accountability that would give such a body the legitimacy it needs to succeed.
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