In October 2016, soon after being elected as Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan published A City for all Londoners – setting out his direction of travel for a draft new London Plan. The draft was published in December 2017. Consultation followed, including a five-month long public examination chaired by planning inspectors. This resulted in amendments being made to the draft; those agreed during the examination and others that were required by the Secretary of State. Sadiq Khan’s new London Plan was finally adopted in March 2021.
LTF members worked hard throughout the consultation to reflect grass-roots social tenants’ views and concerns.
What is the London Plan? It is a framework for development in London over a 25-year period, which the Mayor of London is legally required to produce and regularly update. It includes planning policies on housing, regeneration, economy, environment, social and community infrastructure and transport. It also identifies large-scale development or ‘opportunity areas.’ London boroughs’ Plans have to be in general conformity with the London Plan.
It is quite unusual for social tenants’ groups to engage in the development of planning policy, particularly as it uses inaccessible and technical language. However, the consultation is thorough and provides opportunities for those engaging in the process to build on arguments and provide grass-roots evidence to demonstrate where and when regional policy impacts negatively at the local level.
Our evaluation covers the activities we engaged in, the direct and indirect outcomes of our work and the press coverage we gained as a result of our efforts.