London Tenants Federation’s analysis of Government data reveals that London’s social rented housing stock was 75,300 less in 2019-20 than in 2000-01.
The total number of social rented homes built was 100,000, but at the same time,175,300 were sold, demolished or converted to less affordable rents. This is an equivalent net loss of 3,765 social rented homes per year.
This goes some way to explaining the 163,000 backlog of need for social rented homes in London at 2017 figures and almost 61,000 homeless households, the majority with children, living in insecure, temporary housing in London.
Social rented homes built in London since 2000 | 99,993 |
Sale of council homes (most through Right to Buy) in London since 2000 | -70,440 |
Demolition of council homes in London since 2000 | -19,723 |
Estimated 20% of the number of housing association demolition and sales of social rented homes nationally, since 2000 | – 65,185 |
Conversion of social to affordable rent homes in London | -19,960 |
TOTAL | -75,315 |
The Greater London Authority provides data on the number of conversions of social to less affordable rented homes in London.
The government provides statistics on the completion of new social rented homes and the sales and demolitions of council homes in different parts of the country and national statistics for the sale housing association social rented homes.
LTF has estimated 20% of the national housing association statistics as the best possible estimate for London.
Since having secure, decent and affordable homes is the basis for addressing inequality, “levelling up” must surely comprise funding for high levels of new social rented homes, ending the Right to Buy and ending demolition of structurally sound social rented homes.